Personnal contributionsContribution of each participantSession chair: the session chair gives the tutorial talk and coordinates all the members. Months before the workshop, he/she starts organizing and coordinating all the members, trying to define how every member can participate actively, defining actions and asking for some new results. Co-chair/Lead author: he/she will animate both the results discussions and the discussions/synthesis, trying to organize the intervention of the crowd and to orient the discussions. He/she is working actively with the chair so that the ideas of every member can be brought up and discussed. The debate organization is made such that the new answers are discussed enough to become consensual (or be left aside) and synthetized to become a statement/result of the paper. With the help of the chair, he/she will gather all the notes/material brought by the session contributors during the session and write the article relative to the session. Group member: He/she will be active in the joined research of a given session, will be giving a 20 mins talk or a results display talk, and shall provide some materials for the joined publication of the session group. |
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