Conference Topics

Workshop topics:

  1. High energy electron observations below L=4
  2. Wave-particle interactions inside and outside the plasmasphere
  3. Radial diffusion, stochastic transport and non diffusive transport in the inner belt and slot region
  4. Injection of high energy electrons into the plasmasphere and dropouts dynamics

Main scientific questions to be addressed (sorted by topics):

1. High energy electron observations below L=4

    • Can relativistic and ultra relativistic electrons penetrate inside L=4?
    • Do the new RBSP measurements show ultra relativistic electrons below L=3?

         2. Wave-particle interactions inside and outside the plasmasphere

    • What are the dominant local wave-particle interaction mechanisms inside L=4?
    • How low in L can Chorus waves contribute to acceleration during time of extensive plasmasphere erosion?

3. Radial diffusion, stochastic transport and non diffusive transport in the inner belt and slot region

    • What are the properties of radial transport in the inner belt?
    • How do electron loss mechanisms compare between the outer and the inner belt?

4. Injection of high energy electrons into the plasmasphere and dropouts dynamics

    • How low in L can dropouts remove an important part of the electron population?
    • What happens at the plasmapause for highly compressed plasmasphere during storms?


Transverse questions:

  • How important are processes in plasmaspheric plumes?
  • How do multiple belts or storage rings form, persist, and decay?
  • Do any events isolate individual mechanisms?

Scientific means:

  • Computational codes: Fokker-Planck codes, PIC codes embedded in dynamics Earth magnetic/electric fields, massively parallel codes
  • Access to Van Allen Probes satellite data
  • Data processing codes
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