Workshop location
The bus will take us Monday morning, as the other days, at 8.00 am sharp in front of the theather ‘Le denfert’ located 24, Place Denfert Rochereau, 75014 Paris. It won’t wait.
Hotel location:
- Paris, downtown, 14th arrondissement (see map above), close to the montparnasse train station, in the Gaité area, known for its many theaters and night life. We will try to book one hotel at a negociated rate.
- The montparnasse area is very animated during day and night, being 5 to 10 mins away walking distance from Vavin, Jardin du Luxembourg, Blvd St Germain and the art galleries of the 6th arrondissement, Blvd St Michel and Quartier Latin. It is also less than 20 mins away by subway from every main historical building or point of interest of the town as, for instance, the Eiffel Tower (7th arrondissement), ile de la Cité (1st), the Beaubour Modern Art museum and the Orsay museum. It is a perfect place to stay during a short visit to have access to the whole town.
- We advice two hotels in the area defined in the map below: the Mistral hotel (3 star, 120-150€/night) and the Villa Montparnasse (4 star, 220€/night). Please try to stay in the area which is indicated. The possible bus stop (undefined yet) are also on the map.
Workshop location:
CEA, Campus TERATEC, 2 Rue de la Piquetterie, 91680 Bruyères-le-Châtel
GPS locations: 48.839837,2.323565
By our own private bus
The bus will leave every morning Paris (14th arrondissement) at 8 am sharp, in front of the theather 'Le Denfert' 24 Place Denfert Rochereau, 75014 Paris. It won't wait for you.It will bring us to Campus Teratec
The bus will be leaving at 5pm sharp from Campus Teratec and bring back all participants to Paris (14th arrondissement)
It is a 30 to 45 mins drive according to traffic (see map below)
If you miss the bus:
First, wait to see if you are the only one. Do not attempt taking public transport. You can take a cab at your own expenses (count between 70 and 100 euros) and go to: TERATEC, 2 Rue de la Piquetterie, 91680 Bruyères-le-Châtel. Link to the map is :,+Bruy%C3%A8res-le-Ch%C3%A2tel&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=48.604312,2.199326&spn=0.406371,0.549316&sll=48.832619,2.330282&sspn=0.012642,0.017166&oq=2+rue+piquetterie+&hnear=2+Rue+de+la+Piquetterie,+91680+Bruy%C3%A8res-le-Ch%C3%A2tel&t=m&z=11
How to go to your hotel from the CDG airport or from Gare du Nord
1- For those of you flying and arriving in Roissy Charles de Gaulle (CDG), the simplest and cheapest way to go to your hotel is to take:
- RER B (the subway), direction Paris and to get out at the Denfert-Rochereau subway station
- Then, you walk to your hotel (easy 5 mins walk)
It is direct and very simple.
But, when you are on the CDG walkway to enter RER B, you have a train on the right and another on the left. No worries both go to Paris. However, you want to prefer the train that does not stop between CDG and Paris downtown (first station in Paris where all trains stop is Gare du Nord). Look at the subway sign with orange/yellow lights on/off and pick up a train for which all lights are turned off between CDG and Gare du Nord.
The gain in taking a direct train is less transport time (though still 40-45 mins, instead of 1h) and much better security. Usually, it is one over two/three that does not stop.
Alternative solutions are :
- The most comfortable way is to take a cab: it will cost you 50-55 euros as a minimum average cost. If you are two or more it is a good option. Take a regular cab, recognizable from the long line of people waiting for it.
- ‘les cars d’air france’. It is a private bus bringing you to Montparnasse. Then you walk to your hotel but it is further away (maybe 10 mins to Villa Montparnasse). It should be confortable.
- Supershuttle has some offers now in France and in CDG.
To sum up: it is easy. Get into RER B or a cab and arrive 40 mins later at Denfert-Rochereau.
2- For UK people coming by train: you arrive in Gare du Nord directly. You can take RER B to Denfert-Rochereau. The fastest. An alternative is the regular downtown subway, longer but nicer: line 4 direction Montrouge, exit at Denfert-Rochereau.